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Must-Have Items For the Newest Baby on the Block

Must-Have Items For the Newest Baby on the Block

When a new baby’s on the way, there are many things to think about. Whether you are expecting a new arrival or perhaps someone you know is, you are sure to be confused as to just what the new baby will need when he arrives on the scene. There are so many items to choose from and all of them are too cute to pass up. It is no wonder that most new babies have many things that they will never use. That is why it is so important to know just what to get for the newest baby on the block.

One-Piece T-shirts

One-piece t-shirts are one of the most basic of baby clothes that was ever created. Any mother will tell you that is what she put on her child for most of the first year. They are easy to care for and to get on and off the new baby. This does not mean that you have to go with the boring white one-piece t-shirts that your mother used.

One-piece tees now come in a wide variety of colors and prints to go with the style and fashion of you and your baby. When you are getting one-piece t-shirts for the new baby make sure to get multiple sizes. You never know how long he may be in one size and you will want to be ready for his growth spurts.


The baby may not be ready to walk on day one, but he will be in need of some fancy foot attire nonetheless. Socks are a very useful piece of clothing to keep the newborns feet nice and warm. This is also a great way to give your baby some fashion senses. Most manufacturers have realized that infants will not be wearing shoes over their socks, so they have made socks to be bright and colorful and ready to go with any outfit that you can come up with.

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Hand Mitts

One of the things that most expecting parents do not think about is the new baby’s fingernails. Fingernails on a baby grow fast and most parents do not cut them right away. This means that the new baby will have a chance to scratch their face as they wave their arms about and get used to their body parts.

This is a normal part of any baby’s life, but you can protect the baby’s face from all of the scratches. A simple pair of cotton hand mitts will keep those sharp fingernails away from the delicate skin on the baby’s face. And, they come in a variety of colors and patterns to fit any outfit.

There are many things that the newest baby on the block will receive before he is born. Some of the items will be useful while others will just collect dust on the shelves. So if you are shopping for the expectant parent or you are the expecting parent, make sure to only pick up things that will be of use. The three items listed above are must-haves for every baby that enters the world.