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10 Great Reasons to Buy Second Hand Clothes

10 Great Reasons to Buy Second Hand Clothes

Have you ever considered buying used or second hand clothes? If not, why not? There are plenty of good reasons to buy them and plenty of very stylish people who either wear them exclusively or a mixture of second hand and new.

1. It helps to reduce waste – any used and unwanted clothing that is bought is clothing that will not be disposed of in landfill. Landfill is a huge problem in the UK and also contributes to global warming by producing green house gases.

2. They cost less than new items – a piece of clothing in a charity shop, car boot sale or second hand clothing website will almost certainly cost a fraction of it’s original new price.

3. You will get much better quality and even designer clothes for the same price as low quality new clothes.

4. It is great fun shopping for second hand clothes and the thrill of finding something amazing that costs next to nothing is much better than shopping for new.

5. By shopping for second hand clothes in charity shops, you can help to support the charity and it’s valuable work.

6. Second hand clothes are bit different to the usual clothes that you can buy on the high street, you are a lot less likely to see someone wearing the same clothes as you if you wear second hand.

7. There is a huge choice of second hand clothes available from a variety of places including car boot sales, charity shops, vintage shops and websites so there is no reason why you won’t be able to find exactly what you want.

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8. Shopping for used clothing forces you to think more carefully about what you buy so you usually end up with a very stylish outfit that looks amazing on you.

9. Buying second hand clothes is a great way to experiment with new styles and looks. As the clothes are not expensive as buying new it is less risky and if you make a mistake you can always sell or swap it.

10. Buying second hand clothes instead of new reduces the environmental impacts that are associated with the manufacture of new clothes.

So buying used clothing is not only good for the environment, it is also good for your and for your wallet. Your wardrobe will also look better for a few carefully chosen pre loved clothes. Why not give it a try, you will probably be very surprised at what you find?