
Fashion & Shopping

Month: April 2022

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The Equmen Wonder Shirt – Can it Make Any Man Look Slimmer?

The Equmen Wonder Shirt – Can it Make Any Man Look Slimmer?

The Wonder shirt or Core Precision undershirt is the first shirt designed to help men slim their bodies. Designed by Equmen, a company in Australia, this may be the biggest innovation in men’s clothing in the last fifty years!

The Wondershirt can help men to look better as well as feel better through its advanced and technically innovative design. Men who wear this undershirt will notice the following benefits:

Instantly improve your body shape

Improve the fit of your clothes

Improve your posture and muscle alignment

Keep core muscles stabilized and supported

May help to reduce back pain

Controls body temperature

Equmen compression undershirts and underwear are engineered with seamless athletic technology and physiotherapist techniques for ergonomic results. This is similar technology that professional athletes use such as runners and swimmers. This undershirt was designed with a unique pulling effect that also assists in core support which makes it perfect for wearing during any sporting activity. This is one high performance undershirt that every man can benefit from wearing.

The major advantage to any man is the ability of this shirt to improve posture and give an overall slimming effect. As well, you can wear the shirt even under a suit which makes it idea for at work or play as well. In addition this unique shirt gives you additional back support and encourages good blood circulation.

So, whether you are looking for the ultimate high performance sports shirt, a shirt that helps you to feel better, or simply looking for a shirt to make you look better than you are, the Equmen wondershirt could be for you. It is available in 3 basic styles and a variety of sizes and colors so any man should be able to find one that works for them.…

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How to Match a Collared Shirt and Silk Tie

How to Match a Collared Shirt and Silk Tie

Stripes are popular in men’s attire; you could even don a striped shirt and striped necktie all together, as long as you stick to the basics of primary colours. Now evaluate pattern size, as one of the patterns must be smaller than the other. For example, let’s say you have a blue collared shirt with small white stripes. With this design, your tie should be bolder, similar in colour and have thicker stripes than the collared shirt. Sticking to this harmony will help your tie and collared shirt styles to look fantastic and not exceedingly busy to the eye.

Sporting a neck tie with an adventurous pattern such as polka dots or a paisley design can work with similar coloured, tinier patterned collared shirts. However, if you are uncertain in your style choices, then a solid colored collared shirt in a similar colour to the primary shade in the tie is an easy way to pair them.

The Prominence of Color

Sporting the same blend in collared shirt and necktie, such as a dark blue shirt and tie, can be a very sophisticated look. To pull this look off, you will need a tie that is a several shades darker than your collared shirt. Having a dark silk tie in the same color will help to create an important contrast and prevent you from looking overly matched and boring. Pulling this style off will count on getting the shades precise.

A great starting point to build your wardrobe from is with plain color shirts in white or black. A white shirt is basically a blank canvas allowing you to get as elegant as you want with your tie. It is also difficult to go wrong with a plain black shirt and any number of different silk ties. Starting with a plain coloured collared shirt can help you communicate your complexion easier at the beginning, as there is no limit to tie choices (though please spare us from practical joke it lights up, don’t wear it!).

After you have the fundamentals down and have helped to train your look a bit, you can venture outside of the rules or customs and try things for yourself. Developing your own appearance will come in time. Don’t get too frustrated in the early goings. At the end of the day, you will pick up the fundamentals by instinct. Learning these basics of how to pair a tie and a shirt together can assist you in going from a zero to a hero in the fashion world.…

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The Top Reasons Why Graphic T Shirts Are the Newest Art Forms

The Top Reasons Why Graphic T Shirts Are the Newest Art Forms

Fashion is now setting new directions after the death of famous couturier Yves Saint Laurent. Graphic t shirts have turned into a new medium where artists can showcase their unique and creative talents. There is indeed a strong call for all those vintage band t shirts that people used to wear in concerts. But now, there are plenty of variations that can be seen on many graphic t shirts that features the vintage style but diverse in their respective messages. People used to just say things such as ‘I love NY’ and ‘I’m with stupid’. There are several variations on themes right now that it is quite hard to tell which came first and which t shirt design became popular most recently.

These graphic tees are also gaining popular in classes and campuses these days. A t shirt was used to be considered as something that you can only wear when you are running out of wardrobe already. Now, it is the only thing you need under a vest or a jacket to complete a trendy look. However, make sure your t shirt is form fitting and still delivers its original message, or you’ll end up as the bullies’ target in school. These simple t shirts are slowly making way towards the fashion industry due to their new cuts. Girls usually have baby doll shirts that show their curves and men have shorter sleeves so they can highlight their arm muscles.

Here are some of the top reasons why graphic t shirts are slowly emerging as the century’s newest art forms:

A� Brand new weaving technology. The use of fine cotton is popular these days.

A� The return of computer world themes and the retro irony.

A� It is now acceptable to spend more than ten dollars for one piece of tee shirt.

A� The birth of new t shirt cuts and sewing techniques.

A� The emergence of distressed and super soft t shirt finishes. Now, vintage shirts can actually look and feel like one.

A� There are plenty of websites right now that allow graphic designers to submit their own designs for t shirts.

A� Everything is getting casual these days. Wearing a graphic t shirt anywhere is now acceptable even when you are going to night clubs.

A� There is easy access to various graphic design applications. Now, anyone can virtually become a graphic designer.

A� It is now more acceptable to display messages on your clothing. This was something that wasn’t possible a few decades ago.…

General Article

Techniques Used To Make Beaded Clothing

Techniques Used To Make Beaded Clothing

It’s not hard to learn the techniques to make your own beaded clothing. In fact, you may already possess some sewing or craft skills that are commonly used when creating these individualized, beaded masterpieces.

Here are four different techniques that are used to create beaded clothing:

Applique: Beaded applique is applied in the same way that stitched applique is applied. A patch of contrasting fabric, usually in a novelty-like shape, is sewn onto a finished garment. It is attached using a thick, substantial border of decorative embroidery stitching.

In beaded applique, the applique itself is decorated with beads. They are often used to accent the predominant fabric or stitchery making up the design of the applique patch. Sometimes, the entire applique is filled in with beads, in a mosaic-like design.

These patches should be featured on a handbag, or as the centerpiece of evening formal wear.

Crochet: Although almost always featured on bags, shawls, hats, scarves and other traditionally knit or crochet items, bead crochet can also work as an added accent to a casual or formal garment.

A decorative crocheted front yoke, complete with bead accents, can dress up an otherwise plain top or blouse, taking it from simple to spectacular. A crocheted overskirt, worked in a delicate thread and dotted with sparkling beads, can turn a plain cocktail dress into a show-stopping formal gown. And don’t overlook perhaps the most common uses of beaded crochet: Beaded handbags and delicate, lacy, bead-filled shawls to cover bare shoulders on cool evenings.

Embroidery: With virtually unlimited ways to use it and incorporate beads on clothing, bead embroidery is the most versatile method of embellishing clothes.

The threads can stand on their own to create the design, with beads strategically placed to accent and highlight parts of it. Or the threads with their fancy stitches can take a backseat, while the beads take center stage and create a dazzling display, backed up by the richness of the stitchery.

Increase the possibilities even more by using thread of different sizes, materials, and thicknesses, varying the bead selection to complement the thread choices.

Fringe: Widely used to embellish the edges of garments, fashion accessories, and household items, beaded fringe is available in seemingly endless pre-made varieties.

Increase your options even more by creating your own beaded fringe using a simple or complex pattern.

Remember that the larger the beads that make up the fringe, the more difficult it is to wear an article of clothing it is used on. Save large, prominent beads for shoes. They also work well on accessories like handbags or hats.

Use smaller, dainty beaded fringe to decorate clothing, sunglasses, evening bags, dainty hair jewelry, and gloves.

Copyright Sharon Shares, 2011…

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It Is What It Is, Just Not What You Think It Is

It Is What It Is, Just Not What You Think It Is

“It is what it is.”

How many times have you heard that? Or, how many times have you said that?

There is truth to the statement, but there are also some MAJOR flaws.

Typically you hear or say, “it is what it is,” right after you have received bad news, have been caught red handed or something along those lines. And I agree, it is what it is, and you shouldn’t waste too much time energy or resources’ trying to make it seem like it isn’t.

On the other hand, it is FAR MORE than just a simple statement and moving on.

Whatever “it is” that has gotten you to the point of reference is a problem. You need to be able to recognize the problem and CHANGE.

This is a huge disconnect that most of us have. Especially entrepreneurs.

No longer do you get to sit around and simply accept what it is. If you want there to be some sort of difference or change, that change needs to start with realization.

I know you may be chanting some mantra about the man in the mirror but it starts much sooner than that.

You’re never going to look in the mirror to change until you REALIZE that change needs to be made.

Here come some bold you’re broke, tired, unhealthy, unhappy, stressed or otherwise just ‘s time to REALIZE that there is a deeper issue than your current circumstances.

This is typically the time when we hear, “It is what it is.” And for most people that statement is like raising the white flag of surrender. Congratulations, you just gave up on yourself.

It’s been said that EVERYTHING you want exists two steps outside of your comfort zone. After nearly a decade of trials and tribulations I would most certainly agree.

So, the next time those ugly circumstances raise their gnarly heads and you say, “It is what it is.” You’re right, but it’s not what you think it ‘s not the circumstance, it’s YOU.

Every great master of ANYTHING is first a master of self. I think it was Buddha who said, “Better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.”

So, whatever it is for you, business success, relationships, health & fitness, ‘s out there for you. Or, better yet it’s already inside of you. You just need to REALIZE what it is.

Get rid of the distractions, unplug the TV and get really clear about what’s important. Everything else will fall into place.

Then, when you have a HUGE commission month, meet the partner of your dreams and run a marathon, you can simply is what it is.…

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Show Your Support the Easy Way

Show Your Support the Easy Way

There are sneaky ways to advertise even when you do not know that you are doing it. Promoting on websites like Facebook or putting up flyers is one way to get the word out about something. But if you have a son, daughter, or loved on in the military and you want to promote their efforts then you can wear a military t-shirt. Military t-shirts are great ways to show people that you support the military and that you support the person that is over there fighting for our country. You probably miss them a lot and by wearing a t-shirt it can really show other people how much you really do care. There are more reasons to wear military spirit wear. Some people like to wear it as a fashion statement and others like to wear it to show that they are a true American.

Living in America is something that a lot of people are very proud of. To wear military wear means that you support what your country is doing and that you have true patriotism. Patriotism means loving your country and that you would do anything to keep the freedom they have even if it means they have to go fight for it. Maybe you have previously served or know someone who is serving, it means they really love their country and support what they are doing.

The military consists of five branches. There is the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard; all of them very different but they have a similar goal in mind which would obviously be to protect the United States in any way that they possibly could no matter what it takes. When you go to buy any military clothing item, it will not just say the military. You would get the one specific to your branch. To clear up what all of the branches jobs are, the Army controls what happens on land, the Air Force controls the air, and the Navy controls the waters. The Marines Corps are a part of the Navy but are still their own division. A main job of the Coast Guard is to patrol coastal waters and provide rescues.

Some people who may not know someone in the military wear the clothing for fashion. Many people are seen walking around in old military jackets and such because they think it looks cool. Things such as dance uniforms can have a military or patriotic twist. By looking at clothes in stores all over you will notice things such as brass buttons, pleats, cuff sleeves, and double-breasted fronts to tops; these things are all military inspired.

Promoting your branch of the military is an easy thing. By going out and finding clothes that support the division you or someone you know is in, it can show them that you really care. T-shirts can be passed down or bought for other people; using them to promote is the best thing …

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What You Must Know About Dress Shirt Collars and Neckties

What You Must Know About Dress Shirt Collars and Neckties

Just as fashion ornaments need to be carefully chosen, wholesale dresses, shirts and coats should also be meticulously selected. An ideal blend of dress shirt and necktie would not only display an elegant appearance; yet gives a smarter and more polished impact. The main goal of dressing is to flaunt the self in the most pleasant way so be certain that the style you dress is pleasing enough to everyone’s eyes.

Essentially, dressing up calls for concentration and care to your face. Accentuating the face may be done merely by putting on the proper wholesale dress shirt with the proper match collar and necktie with the correct tie knot.

Guys frequently forget to think about the collar on their wholesale dress. This is a common mistake due to the fact that the collar is the most essential part of a shirt. Collar sizes must be in proportion to the height of the man in that a bulky guy have to don bigger collars and a shorter man have to select smaller collars.

Collars balance the facial structure, toning up weak features and softening strong parts. Gentlemen who have long neck have to select higher-sitting collars. The diverse collar styles must be considered since they specifically affect the general look, which includes the appearance with the necktie on.

Straight point collars are the most impartial of all the forms and are ideal for each fit. The opening is fairly tight between the points so it fits round or oval-shaped faces. The most famous among the collar forms is the spread collar. It is perfect for triangular or narrow faces and appropriate for the Windsor or Half-Windsor tie knot.

The rounded collars or the club collar looks the more posh one. This is perfect for square faces or those with sharp jaw. This might not be the number one famous however this appears to be the number one stylish choice. When worn with the correct facial shape along with a four-in-hand necktie knot, a fashionable and more boyish yet a smarter look may be achieved.

Choosing the exact wholesale dress shirt collar will certainly enhance the way you carry and don a necktie. Take these things in mind and you’ll definitely attract attention to your face.…

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Should You Pay More For a Designer Item?

Should You Pay More For a Designer Item?

There’s that spanking new jeans that seems to be calling your name through the display window and it’s just so gorgeous, all you can think about it how much you want it. You go in to casually check the price, knowing that a store like that carries clothes priced in triple figures, but just to try your luck, you flip over that price tag and…disappointment. That’s your three month’s allowance!

Well, designer items are indeed quite pricey. You may think that all it’s got is just a label slapped on the back but what you’re paying for is lasting quality and you would also be supporting authenticity. But then again, unless you’ve got a stable job and extra money coming in, don’t go insane and spend all you’ve got on a bag, top or just a pair of jeans.

You can find those jeans you long for at bargain stores, factory outlets stores and department stores with a huge difference in price. The only other difference is that it won’t have that label you love so much and as for quality, well, you would get tired of wearing the same jeans for the next five years, won’t you? This way, you get to occasionally spice up your wardrobe and invest in new clothes once in awhile without feeling guilty and you get to save in comparison to buying designer items.

However, you can actually make your clothes that come from bargain hunts last a long time if you take care of them properly. Instead of tossing them into the washing machine, spend some time washing them by hand. That way they don’t stretch out as easily and will last longer. As for coloured clothes, if you’re afraid they’re going to fade, soak them in a bucket of salt water right after you buy them and then give them a proper wash. The salt content will keep the colour from fading.

So there you have it, you don’t have to shop at top stores to get good clothes. Until you can afford it and buy clothes without suffering through the month, look out for great bargain deals and sales instead.…

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4 Steps to Create a Memorable Sweet Sixteen Party

Turning sixteen is a big step towards adulthood for most girls. If you want the perfect sweet sixteen party for your daughter, there are several things you need to do to ensure it lands rather than flops.

Make a List

Even if you’re planning a surprise event, ask your daughter who she would want present. Don’t do a blanket invite of classmates, or just guess who friends are, as this might lead to drama rather than fun. Having a set guest list help determine what size venue you need, as well as how much food you should have available.

Get Some Help

If you’re the sort that enjoys touring venues and picking out a cake flavor, planning a party might seem like heaven. If you don’t have the time, energy or inclination to do so, it can be less than pleasurable. You might want to get in touch with party events coordinators to guide you through the process.

Plan (Far) Ahead

The sooner you start planning the party, the easier it will be to get everything to fall into place on the big day. Set a budget and plan your expenses. You may also want to reserve a venue or contact a party coordinator up to a year before the planned date to ensure availability.

Don’t just think of your own plans, but other people’s. Since this birthday is so special, you should send out save the date cards anywhere from six months to a year in advance, and invitations around three weeks beforehand.

Tailor Your Theme

Your daughter’s party isn’t just a fun day to be had, it can create cherished memories that will last forever. It doesn’t have to be expensive or perfect, just special. What makes it special is the care and attention put into everything, from the music to cake flavor. Let their tastes and interests guide you.

With a little careful planning, you’re sure to have a big success.…

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Need Promotional Clothing? 10 Tips for Getting It Right

Need Promotional Clothing? 10 Tips for Getting It Right

If you’re looking for promotional clothing, then you’ll want to make sure that you get what you need, and don’t make an expensive mistake.

Here’s what you need to think about.

1. You’ll need to know what your promotional clothing is for. Are you launching a new product? Trying to encourage people to sign your petition? Getting your brand some more publicity?

2. What type of clothing you need depends on what you’re promoting. You might just want a few T shirts, with your band name on, or you might want fleeces, polo shirts, sweatshirts and waterproof clothing with your company logo on.

3. When you need it for will also help you to determine what you need. if you’re looking at promoting summer events, then you’ll want T shirts, whereas a winter event might be more suited to fleeces and sweatshirts.

4. The turnaround time will be important to you if you’re working to a tight deadline, or are often informed of events at short notice. A promotional clothing company that can meet your needs at short notice will really be appreciated.

5. Depending on what you need, you’ll want your logo clothing to be durable and long lasting, so that it doesn’t need replacing regularly.

6. You’ll want to make sure that your design is appropriate for your T shirt or fleece. A design that looks good in print, or on the side of your building might not look so good on a polo shirt.

7. If you’re promoting events, then you’ll want to attract the most publicity and awareness, and so you’ll want bold colours and designs.

8. Promotional clothing can make excellent prizes and giveaways. So if you’re looking to attract more attention an customers, why not see how logo clothing can improve your brand awareness?

9. To promote and in store sale you might want your staff to wear promotional clothing announcing the fact. Perhaps it will be a one off event, or time sensitive, and so you might not be too bothered about the quality, if the sale is only on for a couple of days.

10. Getting value for money is essential, and so you’ll need to make sure that you get the right design for your event, shop or charity. If you’re not sure what you need, then why not ask your promotional clothing supplier for help?

Now you know what to look for, you’ll be able to get the perfect promotional clothing.…