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Should You Use A DVD To Aid In Potty Training Your Child?

Should You Use A DVD To Aid In Potty Training Your Child?

Potty training is easier for some children, than others. Some toddlers may simply become bored with the whole process and lose interest, making it difficult to train the toddler successfully. One way to add interest to toilet training is to purchase a DVD about the process. If you can find one starring your child’s favorite character it may make the process even easier. (Books about potty training are also an option.) Whatever kind of DVD you use, you should always watch it first to make sure the instructions are clear and easily understandable by your child.

DVDs for potty training either use pretend characters to explain the process or real people to do it. The decision on which one you should purchase depends mostly on which one you think your child will relate to better. Toilet training DVDS using live people allow less room for confusion. The toddler sees someone just like him who is using the big boy potty. If the children explaining the process are older, the toddler may aspire to be like that older child and try to do the same thing – use the big boy potty. It’s important to watch this type of DVD prior to allowing your child to watch it. If your child will think of these children as role models, you want to be sure they are conveying the same values you do, or at least not doing anything contrary to the values you teach your child.

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Character DVDs may work better if you can find one starring your child’s favorite character. You child is more likely to pay attention and want to do what his favorite character does. You may be able to further encourage using the big boy potty by purchasing a doll representing his favorite character to go along with the DVD. You want to watch this DVD first for the same reasons stated above.

After a few times of watching a potty training DVD you little youngster will probably be potty training himself in no time.